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Using Mobile Mapper

1. Download Mobile Mapper

Mobile Mapper is available for Android and iOS (Apple) devices. To download Mobile Mapper, use the following links:

Google Play

iTunes Store

2. Configure Mobile Mapper

When you first run Mobile Mapper, you will be prompted to configure Mobile Mapper. Use the following settings to use Mobile Mapper with the H.E.R.P.:

E-Mail / Username: Please register
API Key: Please register
Configuration URL: http://www.naherp.com/mobile/

3. Create a New Record

Location: Press New Record once the application is opened. The application will automatically grab your longitude and latitude close to your current position. Once it has loaded your position press "Continue".

Note: If the app was previously opened, please return to this screen and allow ample time for the coordinates to reset or it will use your last location.

Country/State/County: The next screens will allow you to choose from a list of countries, states, and counties. Scroll down to find the correct county that the observation is in and click the county name. The app will attempt to narrow down the options based on your current GPS location.

Taxon: This takes you to the next screen which allows users to "browse taxa" or "search taxa. Browsing taxa allows you to select the species from organized groups. Searching taxa allows the user to search by common or Latin name. Recently used species will appear on this screen for convenience.

Voucher: This allows you to take a picture at the moment of observation or upload an image taken previously. Once you choose "Take Picture" your camera phone loads up, take the picture, and it automatically uploads the picture to the record you are entering without saving to your photo library. Alternatively you can browse for a previously taken photo in your library. You can press continue if you did not or were not able to take a picture. The observation is more important than the picture!

Additional Information: This screen allows you to enter information about the observation to the best of your knowledge. The first option is "Security Level". Security level allows the user to determine if they want this observation to be non-sensitive, sensitive, or a closed observation. Basically, this allows others to use and or view the record of this observation when it is uploaded to H.E.R.P. The security level must be filled out before moving to the next screen. At this point you may also choose to restrict public access to the record, or to submit it anonymously.

Review: This screen shows you all the information about the record before saving it. Please review all areas to make sure they are correct to the best of your knowledge. Once reviewed press "Save Record". Once the record is saved it will show up in the "Pending Records" option from the home screen.

Note: your record will not show up on Herp Atlas without syncing it in the following step.

4. Submit Your Records

Click "Pending Records" from the home page to access all of your saved observations. Make sure the information is accurate. If it is not, you will have to delete the observation and file it again. There is no way to edit existing records at this time. Press "Sync" to begin uploading the records to H.E.R.P.

Note: If your mobile device is allowed to enter an idle state it may disrupt the communication and result in only a partial upload of your records or an error message. To avoid this, observe the app and do not allow your phone to idle.

Once your records are uploaded they will disappear from the pending screen. Check the H.E.R.P. website to ensure that your records have been uploaded.