Colorado Desert Fringe-toed Lizard (Uma notata)
Created: November 1st, 2019 - 07:54 AM
Last Modified: November 1st, 2019 - 09:05 AM Entered by: Jonathan Hakim
Record 327431
Last Modified: November 1st, 2019 - 09:05 AM Entered by: Jonathan Hakim
Record 327431
Country: United States |
State: California |
County: Imperial County |
Time: 2018-05-19 10:27:00 |
Qty: 1 |
Age: Adult |
Sex: -- |
Method: Visual encounter |
Habitat: dunes |
Body Temperature: ----- |
Air Temperature: ----- |
Ground Temperature: ----- |
Humidity: ----- |
Sky Conditions: Clear |
Moon Phase: ----- |
Elevation: ----- |
Barometric Pressure: ----- |
This might literally be the worst voucher ever, but he's there and if you look close enough you can verify the head shape, lips, and body pattern so ID is certain.
zebratail, whiptail, uta, desert iguana, colorado desert fringe-toed lizard, and long-tailed brush lizard all seen here. More details can be read here: