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Adelophis | Mountain Meadow Snakes |
Adelophis copei | Cope's Mountain Meadow Snake |
Adelophis foxi | Fox's Mountain Meadow Snake |
Adelphicos | Middle American Earth Snakes |
Adelphicos latifasciatum | Oaxacan Burrowing Snake |
Adelphicos nigrilatum | Burrowing Snake |
Adelphicos quadrivirgatum | Middle American Earth Snake |
A. q. newmanorum | Newman's Earth Snake |
A. q. quadrivirgatum | Jan's Earth Snake |
Adelphicos sargii | Sargi's Earth Snake |
Adelphicos visoninus | Cope's Earth Snake |
Agkistrodon | American Moccasins |
Agkistrodon bilineatus | Cantil |
A. b. bilineatus | Mexican Cantil |
A. b. lemosespinali | Lemos-Espinal's Cantil |
A. b. russeolus | Yucatecan Cantil |
Agkistrodon contortrix | Copperhead |
A. c. contortrix | Southern Copperhead |
A. c. laticinctus | Broad-banded Copperhead |
A. c. mokasen | Northern Copperhead |
A. c. phaeogaster | Osage Copperhead |
A. c. pictigaster | Trans-Pecos Copperhead |
Agkistrodon piscivorus | Cottonmouth |
A. p. conanti | Florida Cottonmouth |
A. p. leucostoma | Western Cottonmouth |
A. p. piscivorus | Eastern Cottonmouth |
Agkistrodon taylori | Taylor's Cantil |
Amastridium | Rusty-headed Snakes |
Amastridium sapperi | Rusty-headed Snake |
Arizona | Glossy Snakes |
Arizona elegans | Glossy Snake |
A. e. arenicola | Texas Glossy Snake |
A. e. candida | Mojave Glossy Snake |
A. e. eburnata | Desert Glossy Snake |
A. e. elegans | Kansas Glossy Snake |
A. e. expolita | Chihuahuan Glossy Snake |
A. e. noctivaga | Arizona Glossy Snake |
A. e. occidentalis | California Glossy Snake |
A. e. philipi | Painted Desert Glossy Snake |
Arizona pacata | Peninsular Glossy Snake |
Atropoides | Jumping Pitvipers |
Atropoides mexicanus | Mexican Jumping Pitviper |
Atropoides nummifer | Jumping Pitviper |
Atropoides occiduus | Western Jumping Pitviper |
Atropoides olmec | Olmecan Jumping Pitviper |
Boa | Boas |
Boa constrictor | Boa Constrictor |
B. c. imperator | Mexican Boa Constrictor |
Bogertophis | Desert Rat Snakes |
Bogertophis rosaliae | Baja California Rat Snake |
Bogertophis subocularis | Trans-Pecos Rat Snake |
B. s. amplinotus | Southern Trans-Pecos Rat Snake |
B. s. subocularis | Northern Trans-Pecos Rat Snake |
Bothriechis | Palm-pitvipers |
Bothriechis aurifer | Yellow-blotched Palm-pitviper |
Bothriechis bicolor | Guatemalan Palm-pitviper |
Bothriechis rowleyi | Rowley's Palm-pitviper |
Bothriechis schlegeli | Eyelash Palm-pitviper |
Bothrops | Lanceheads |
Bothrops asper | Terciopelo |
Carphophis | North American Wormsnakes |
Carphophis amoenus | Eastern Wormsnake |
C. a. amoenus | Eastern Wormsnake |
C. a. helenae | Midwestern Wormsnake |
Carphophis vermis | Western Wormsnake |
Cemophora | Scarletsnakes |
Cemophora coccinea | Scarletsnake |
C. c. coccinea | Florida Scarletsnake |
C. c. copei | Northern Scarletsnake |
C. c. lineri | Texas Scarletsnake |
Cerrophidion | Montane Pitvipers |
Cerrophidion barbouri | Borbour's Montane Pitviper |
Cerrophidion godmani | Godman's Montane Pitviper |
Cerrophidion petlalcalensis | Cerro Petlalcala Montane Viper |
Cerrophidion tzotzilorum | Tzotzils Montane Pitviper |
Charina | Rubber Boas |
Charina bottae | Northern Rubber Boa |
Charina umbratica | Southern Rubber Boa |
Chersodromus | Earth Runners |
Chersodromus liebmanni | Liebmann's Earth Runner |
Chersodromus rubriventris | Red-bellied Earth Runner |
Chilomeniscus | Sandsnakes |
Chilomeniscus savagei | Cerralvo Island Sandsnake |
Chilomeniscus stramineus | Variable Sandsnake |
Chionactis | Shovel-nosed Snakes |
Chionactis occipitalis | Western Shovel-nosed Snake |
C. o. annulata | Colorado Desert Shovel-nosed Snake |
C. o. klauberi | Tucson Shovel-nosed Snake |
C. o. occipitalis | Mojave Shovel-nosed Snake |
C. o. talpina | Nevada Shovel-nosed Snake |
Chionactis palarostris | Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake |
C. p. organica | Organ Pipe Shovel-nosed Snake |
C. p. palarostris | Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake |
Clelia | Mussuranas |
Clelia scytalina | Mexican Snake Eater |
Clonophis | Kirtland's Snakes |
Clonophis kirtlandii | Kirtland's Snake |
Coluber | North American Racers, Coachwhips, And Whipsnakes |
Coluber anthonyi | Clarion Island Whipsnake |
Coluber aurigulus | Cape Striped Whipsnake |
Coluber barbouri | Espiritu Santo Striped Whipsnake |
Coluber bilineatus | Sonoran Whipsnake |
Coluber constrictor | North American Racer |
C. c. anthicus | Buttermilk Racer |
C. c. constrictor | Northern Black Racer |
C. c. etheridgei | Tan Racer |
C. c. flaviventris | Eastern Yellow-bellied Racer |
C. c. foxii | Blue Racer |
C. c. helvigularis | Brown-chinned Racer |
C. c. latrunculus | Black-masked Racer |
C. c. mormon | Western Yellow-bellied Racer |
C. c. oaxaca | Mexican Racer |
C. c. paludicola | Everglades Racer |
C. c. priapus | Southern Black Racer |
Coluber flagellum | Coachwhip |
C. f. cingulum | Sonoran Coachwhip |
C. f. flagellum | Eastern Coachwhip |
C. f. lineatulus | Lined Coachwhip |
C. f. piceus | Red Racer |
C. f. ruddocki | San Joaquin Coachwhip |
C. f. testaceus | Western Coachwhip |
Coluber fuliginosus | Baja California Coachwhip |
Coluber lateralis | Striped Racer |
C. l. euryxanthus | Alameda Striped Racer |
C. l. lateralis | California Striped Racer |
Coluber mentovarius | Neotropical Whipsnake |
C. m. mentovarius | Neotropical Whipsnake |
C. m. striolatus | Mexican Whipsnake |
C. m. variolosus | Tres Marias Whipsnake |
Coluber schotti | Schott's Whipsnake |
C. s. ruthveni | Ruthven's Whipsnake |
C. s. schotti | Schott's Whipsnake |
Coluber slevini | San Esteban Island Whipsnake |
Coluber taeniatus | Striped Whipsnake |
C. t. girardi | Central Texas Whipsnake |
C. t. taeniatus | Desert Striped Whipsnake |
Coniophanes | Black-striped Snakes |
Coniophanes alvarezi | Chiapan Stripeless Snake |
Coniophanes bipunctatus | Mottled-jaw Spot-bellied Snake |
C. b. bipunctatus | Two-spotted Snake |
C. b. biseriatus | Smith's Two-spotted Snake |
Coniophanes fissidens | Yellow-bellied Snake |
C. f. convergens | Veracruz Yellow-bellied Snake |
C. f. dispersus | Smith's Yellow-bellied Snake |
C. f. fissidens | White-lipped Spot-bellied Snake |
C. f. proterops | Cope's Yellow-bellied Snake |
C. f. punctigularis | Spot-throated Lizard Eater |
Coniophanes imperialis | Regal Black-striped Snake |
C. i. clavatus | Black-striped Snake |
C. i. copei | Cope's Black-striped Snake |
C. i. imperialis | Tamaulipan Black-striped Snake |
Coniophanes lateritius | Stripeless Snake |
Coniophanes melanocephalus | Blackhead Stripeless Snake |
Coniophanes meridanus | Peninsular Stripeless Snake |
Coniophanes piceivittis | Cope's Black-striped Snake |
C. p. frangivirgatus | Peter's Black-striped Snake |
C. p. piceivittis | Cope's Black-striped Snake |
C. p. taylori | Taylor's Black-striped Snake |
Coniophanes quinquevittatus | Five-striped Snake |
Coniophanes sarae | Sara's Stripeless Snake |
Coniophanes schmidti | Schmidt's Black-striped Snake |
Conophis | Road Guarders |
Conophis concolor | Peninsular Road Guarder |
Conophis lineatus | Central American Road Guarder |
C. l. dunni | Dunn's Road Guarder |
C. l. lineatus | Lined Road Guarder |
Conophis morai | Tuxtlan Road Guarder |
Conophis pulcher | Beautiful Road Guarder |
Conophis vittatus | Striped Road Guarder |
Conopsis | Mexican Earth Snakes |
Conopsis acutus | Spotted Tolucan Earthsnake |
Conopsis amphistricha | Twin-spotted Mexican Earthsnake |
Conopsis biserialis | Two-lined Mexican Earthsnake |
Conopsis lineatus | Lined Tolucan Earthsnake |
C. l. lineatus | Lined Tolucan Earthsnake |
C. l. varians | Lineless Tolucan Earthsnake |
C. l. wetmorei | Wetmore's Tolucan Earthsnake |
Conopsis megalodon | Carlos San Felipe Earthsnake |
Conopsis nasus | Large-nosed Earthsnake |
C. n. labialis | Chihuahuan Earthsnake |
C. n. nasus | Plateau Mexican Earthsnake |
Contia | Sharp-tailed Snakes |
Contia longicaudae | Forest Sharp-tailed Snake |
Contia tenuis | Sharp-tailed Snake |
Crotalus | Rattlesnakes |
Crotalus adamanteus | Eastern Diamond-backed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus angelensis | Angel Island Rattlesnake |
Crotalus aquilus | Queretaran Dusky Rattlesnake |
Crotalus atrox | Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus basiliscus | Mexican West Coast Rattlesnake |
Crotalus caliginis | Coronado Island Rattlesnake |
Crotalus catalinensis | Santa Catalina Island Rattlesnake |
Crotalus cerastes | Sidewinder |
C. c. cerastes | Mojave Desert Sidewinder |
C. c. cercobombus | Sonoran Sidewinder |
C. c. laterorepens | Colorado Desert Sidewinder |
Crotalus cerberus | Arizona Black Rattlesnake |
Crotalus enyo | Baja California Rattlesnake |
C. e. cerralvensis | Cerralvo Island Rattlesnake |
C. e. enyo | Lower California Rattlesnake |
C. e. furvus | Rosario Rattlesnake |
Crotalus ericsmithi | Guerreran Long-Tailed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus estebanensis | Isla San Esteban Black-tailed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus horridus | Timber Rattlesnake |
Crotalus intermedius | Mexican Small-headed Rattlesnake |
C. i. gloydi | Oaxacan Small-headed Rattlesnake |
C. i. intermedius | Totalcan Small-headed Rattlesnake |
C. i. omiltemanus | Omilteme Small-headed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus lannomi | Autlan Rattlesnake |
Crotalus lepidus | Rock Rattlesnake |
C. l. klauberi | Banded Rock Rattlesnake |
C. l. lepidus | Mottled Rock Rattlesnake |
C. l. maculosus | Durango Rock Rattlesnake |
C. l. morulus | Tamaulipan Rock Rattlesnake |
Crotalus lorenzoensis | San Lorenzo Island Diamond Rattlesnake |
Crotalus mitchellii | Speckled Rattlesnake |
C. m. mitchellii | San Lucan Speckled Rattlesnake |
C. m. pyrrhus | Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake |
Crotalus molossus | Black-tailed Rattlesnake |
C. m. molossus | Northern Black-tailed Rattlesnake |
C. m. nigrescens | Mexican Black-tailed Rattlesnake |
C. m. oaxacus | Oaxacan Black-tailed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus muertensis | El Muerto Island Rattlesnake |
Crotalus oreganus | Western Rattlesnake |
C. o. abyssus | Grand Canyon Rattlesnake |
C. o. concolor | Midget Faded Rattlesnake |
C. o. helleri | Southern Pacific Rattlesnake |
C. o. lutosus | Great Basin Rattlesnake |
C. o. oreganus | Northern Pacific Rattlesnake |
Crotalus polystictus | Mexican Lancehead Rattlesnake |
Crotalus pricei | Twin-spotted Rattlesnake |
C. p. miquihuanus | Eastern Twin-spottd Rattlesnake |
C. p. pricei | Western Twin-spotted Rattlesnake |
Crotalus pusillus | Tancitaran Dusky Rattlesnake |
Crotalus ravus | Mexican Pygmy Rattlesnake |
C. r. brunneus | Oaxacan Pygmy Rattlesnake |
C. r. exiguous | Guerreran Pygmy Rattlesnake |
C. r. ravus | Mexican Massasauga |
Crotalus ruber | Red Diamond Rattlesnake |
Crotalus scutulatus | Mohave Rattlesnake |
C. s. salvini | Salvin's Rattlesnake |
C. s. scutulatus | Mohave Rattlesnake |
Crotalus simus | Middle American Rattlesnake |
C. s. culminatus | Northwestern Middle American Rattlesnake |
C. s. tzabcan | Tzabcan Rattlesnake |
Crotalus stejnegeri | Long-tailed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus stephensi | Panamint Rattlesnake |
Crotalus tancitaiensis | Tancítaro Rattlesnake |
Crotalus tigris | Tiger Rattlesnake |
Crotalus tortugensis | Tortuga Island Diamond-backed Rattlesnake |
Crotalus totonacus | Tontonacan Rattlesnake |
Crotalus transversus | Cross-banded Mountain Rattlesnake |
Crotalus triseriatus | Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake |
C. t. armstrongi | Western Dusky Rattlesnake |
C. t. triseriatus | Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake |
Crotalus viridis | Prairie Rattlesnake |
Crotalus willardi | Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake |
C. w. amabilis | Del Nido Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake |
C. w. meridionalis | Southern Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake |
C. w. obscurus | New Mexico Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake |
C. w. silus | Chihuahuan Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake |
C. w. willardi | Arizona Ridge-nosed Rattlesnake |
Cryophis | Cloud Forrest Snakes |
Cryophis hallbergi | Hallberg's Cloud Forest Snake |
Dendrophidion | Forest Racers |
Dendrophidion vinitor | Barred Forest Racer |
Diadophis | Ring-necked Snakes |
Diadophis punctatus | Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. acricus | Key Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. amabilis | Pacific Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. anthonyi | Anthony's Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. arnyi | Prairie Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. dugesii | Dugès's Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. edwardsii | Northern Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. modestus | San Bernardino Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. occidentalis | Northwestern Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. pulchellus | Coral-bellied Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. punctatus | Southern Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. regalis | Regal Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. similis | San Diego Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. stictogenys | Mississippi Ring-necked Snake |
D. p. vandenburgii | Monterey Ring-necked Snake |
Dipsas | Snail-eating Snakes |
Dipsas brevifacies | Snail-eating Thirst Snake |
Dipsas gaigeae | Gaige's Snail-eating Snake |
Dipsas maxillaris | Werner's Snail-eating Snake |
Drymarchon | Indigo Snakes |
Drymarchon couperi | Eastern Indigo Snake |
Drymarchon melanurus | Central American Indigo Snake |
D. m. erebennus | Texas Indigo Snake |
D. m. melanurus | Central American Indigo Snake |
D. m. orizabensis | Orizaba Cribo |
D. m. rubidus | Mexican West Coast Cribo |
D. m. unicolor | Central American Cribo |
Drymobius | Neotropical Racers |
Drymobius chloroticus | Green Highland Racer |
Drymobius margaritiferus | Speckled Racer |
D. m. fistulosus | Central American Speckled Racer |
D. m. margaritiferus | Northern Speckled Racer |
D. m. occidentalis | Western Speckled Racer |
Enulius | Middle American Longtail Snakes |
Enulius flavitorques | Pacific Longtail Snake |
E. f. sumichrasti | Sumichrast's Longtail Snake |
E. f. unicolor | Fischer's Longtail Snake |
Enulius oligostichus | Mexican Longtail Snake |
Eridiphas | Baja California Night Snakes |
Eridiphas slevini | Baja California Night Snake |
Exiliboa | Mexican Dwarf Boas |
Exiliboa placata | Oaxacan Dwarf Boa |
Farancia | Mudsnakes And Rainbow Snakes |
Farancia abacura | Red-bellied Mudsnake |
F. a. abacura | Eastern Mudsnake |
F. a. reinwardtii | Western Mudsnake |
Farancia erytrogramma | Rainbow Snake |
F. e. erytrogramma | Common Rainbow Snake |
F. e. seminola | Southern Florida Rainbow Snake |
Ficimia | Eastern Hook-nosed Snakes |
Ficimia hardyi | Hardy's Hook-nosed Snake |
Ficimia olivaceus | Brown Hook-nosed Snake |
Ficimia publia | Blotched Hook-nosed Snake |
Ficimia ramirezi | Ramirez's Hook-nosed Snake |
Ficimia ruspator | Guerreran Hook-nosed Snake |
Ficimia streckeri | Tamaulipan Hook-nosed Snake |
Ficimia variegata | Tehuantepec Hook-nosed Snake |
Geagras | Tehuantepec Striped Snakes |
Geagras redimitus | Tehuantepec Striped Snake |
Geophis | Central American Earth Snakes |
Geophis anocularis | Sierra Mije Earth Snake |
Geophis bicolor | Mexican Plateau Earth Snake |
Geophis blanchardi | Blanchard's Earth Snake |
Geophis cancellatus | Chiapan Earth Snake |
Geophis carinosus | Keeled Earth Snake |
Geophis chalybeus | Veracruz Earth Snake |
Geophis dubius | Mesa Del Sur Earth Snake |
Geophis duellmani | Sierra Juarez Earth Snake |
Geophis dugesii | Dugès's Earth Snake |
G. d. aquilonaris | Chihuahuan Earth Snake |
G. d. dugesii | Dugès's Earth Snake |
Geophis immaculatus | Downs's Earth Snake |
Geophis incomptus | Sierra Colecoman Earth Snake |
Geophis isthmicus | Isthmian Earth Snake |
Geophis juarezi | Benito Juarez Earth Snake |
Geophis juliani | Zurtuche's Earth Snake |
Geophis laticinctus | Mesa Central Earth Snake |
Geophis laticollaris | Widecollar Earth Snake |
Geophis latifrontalis | Potosi Earth Snake |
G. l. latifrontalis | Potosi Earth Snake |
G. l. semiannulatus | Mountain Earth Snake |
Geophis maculiferus | Michoacán Earth Snake |
Geophis mutitorques | Highland Earth Snake |
Geophis nasalis | Coffee Earth Snake |
Geophis nigrocinctus | Black-banded Earth Snake |
Geophis omiltemanus | Guerreran Earth Snake |
Geophis petersii | Peter's Earth Snake |
Geophis pyburni | Pyburn's Earth Snake |
Geophis rhodogaster | Rose-bellied Earth Snake |
Geophis rostralis | Sierra Madre Earth Snake |
Geophis russatus | Red Earth Snake |
Geophis sallaei | Salle's Earth Snake |
Geophis semidoliatus | Broken-ringed Earth Snake |
Geophis sieboldi | Siebold's Earth Snake |
Geophis tarascae | Tarascan Earth Snake |
Gyalopion | Western Hook-nosed Snakes |
Gyalopion canum | Chihuahuan Hook-nosed Snake |
Gyalopion quadrangulare | Thornscrub Hook-nosed Snake |
Heterodon | North American Hog-nosed Snakes |
Heterodon gloydi | Dusty Hog-nosed Snake |
Heterodon kennerlyi | Mexican Hog-nosed Snake |
Heterodon nasicus | Plains Hog-nosed Snake |
Heterodon platirhinos | Eastern Hog-nosed Snake |
Heterodon simus | Southern Hog-nosed Snake |
Hypsiglena | North American Nightsnakes |
Hypsiglena affinis | Boulenger's Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena chlorophaea | Desert Nightsnake |
H. c. catalinae | Santa Catalina Island Nightsnake |
H. c. chlorophaea | Sonoran Nightsnake |
H. c. deserticola | Desert Nightsnake |
H. c. loreala | Mesa Verde Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena jani | Chihuahuan Nightsnake |
H. j. dunklei | Dunkle's Nightsnake |
H. j. jani | Jan's Nightsnake |
H. j. texana | Texas Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha | Coast Nightsnake |
H. o. baueri | Bauer's Nightsnake |
H. o. gularis | Isla Partida Norte Nightsnake |
H. o. klauberi | San Diego Nightsnake |
H. o. martinensis | Isla San Martin Nightsnake |
H. o. nuchalata | California Nightsnake |
H. o. ochrorhyncha | Coast Nightsnake |
H. o. unaocularis | Clarion Island Nightsnake |
H. o. venusta | Islands Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena tanzeri | Tanzer's Nightsnake |
Hypsiglena torquata | Collar Nightsnake |
Imantodes | Blunthead Tree Snakes |
Imantodes cenchoa | Blunthead Tree Snake |
I. c. leucomelas | Cope's Blunthead Tree Snake |
Imantodes gemmistratus | Central American Tree Snake |
I. g. gemmistratus | Greater Blunthead Tree Snake |
I. g. gracillimus | Slender Blunthead Tree Snake |
I. g. latistratus | Red Blunthead Tree Snake |
I. g. luciodorsus | Common Blunthead Tree Snake |
I. g. reticulatus | Reticulated Blunthead Tree Snake |
I. g. splendidus | Splendid Blunthead Tree Snake |
Imantodes tenuissimus | Yucatán Blunthead Tree Snake |
Lampropeltis | Kingsnakes & Milksnakes |
Lampropeltis alterna | Gray-banded Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis calligaster | Yellow-bellied Kingsnake |
L. c. calligaster | Prairie Kingsnake |
L. c. occipitolineata | South Florida Mole Kingsnake |
L. c. rhombomaculata | Mole Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis catalinensis | Isla Santa Catalina Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis extenuata | Short-tailed Snake |
Lampropeltis getula | Common Kingsnake |
L. g. californiae | California Kingsnake |
L. g. floridana | Florida Kingsnake |
L. g. getula | Eastern Kingsnake |
L. g. holbrooki | Speckled Kingsnake |
L. g. meansi | Apalachicola Kingsnake |
L. g. nigra | Black Kingsnake |
L. g. nigrita | Western Black Kingsnake |
L. g. splendida | Desert Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis herrerae | Todos Santos Island Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis knoblochi | Chihuahuan Mountain Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis mexicana | San Luis Potosi Kingsnake |
L. m. greeri | Greer's Mountain Kingsnake |
L. m. mexicana | San Luis Potosí Mountain Kingsnake |
L. m. thayeri | Thayer's Mountain Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis pyromelana | Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake |
L. p. infralabialis | Utah Mountain Kingsnake |
L. p. pyromelana | Arizona Mountain Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis ruthveni | Querétaro Mountain Kingsnake |
Lampropeltis triangulum | Milksnake |
L. t. abnorma | Guatemalan Milksnake |
L. t. amaura | Louisiana Milksnake |
L. t. annulata | Mexican Milksnake |
L. t. arcifera | Jalisco Milksnake |
L. t. blanchardi | Blanchard's Milksnake |
L. t. campbelli | Pueblan Milksnake |
L. t. celaenops | New Mexico Milksnake |
L. t. conanti | Conant's Milksnake |
L. t. dixoni | Dixon's Milksnake |
L. t. elapsoides | Scarlet Kingsnake |
L. t. gentilis | Central Plains Milksnake |
L. t. multistriata | Pale Milksnake |
L. t. nelsoni | Nelson's Milksnake |
L. t. oligozona | Pacific Central American Milksnake |
L. t. polyzona | Veracruz Milksnake |
L. t. sinaloae | Sinaloan Milksnake |
L. t. smithi | Smith's Milksnake |
L. t. syspila | Red Milksnake |
L. t. taylori | Utah Milksnake |
L. t. triangulum | Eastern Milksnake |
Lampropeltis zonata | California Mountain Kingsnake |
L. z. agalma | Baja California Mountain Kingsnake |
L. z. multicincta | Sierra Mountain Kingsnake |
L. z. multifasciata | Coast Mountain Kingsnake |
L. z. parvirubra | San Bernardino Mountain Kingsnake |
L. z. pulchra | San Diego Mountain Kingsnake |
L. z. zonata | St. Helena Mountain Kingsnake |
Laticauda | Banded Seasnakes |
Laticauda colubrina | Banded Seasnake |
Leptodeira | Cat-eyed Snakes |
Leptodeira annulata | Banded Cat-eyed Snake |
L. a. cussiliris | Duellman's Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira frenata | Rain Forest Cat-eyed Snake |
L. f. frenata | Cope's Rain Forest Cat-eyed Snake |
L. f. malleisi | Malleis's Cat-eyed Snake |
L. f. yucatanensis | Peninsular Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira maculata | Southwestern Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira nigrofasciata | Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira polysticta | Small-spotted Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira punctata | Western Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira septentrionalis | Northern Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptodeira splendida | Splendid Cat-eyed Snake |
L. s. bressoni | Bresson's Splendid Cat-eyed Snake |
L. s. ephippiata | Saddled Cat-eyed Snake |
L. s. splendida | Günther's Splendid Cat-eyed Snake |
Leptophis | Parrot Snakes |
Leptophis ahaetulla | Parrot Snake |
L. a. praestans | Northern Green Frogger |
Leptophis diplotropis | Pacific Coast Parrot Snake |
L. d. diplotropis | Pacific Coast Parrot Snake |
L. d. forreri | Forrer's Parrot Snake |
Leptophis mexicanus | Mexican Parrot Snake |
L. m. mexicanus | Mexican Parrot Snake |
L. m. septentrionalis | Tamaulipan Parrot Snake |
L. m. yucatanensis | Yucatecan Tree Snake |
Leptophis modestus | Cloud Forrest Parrot Snake |
Leptotyphlops | Threadsnakes |
Leptotyphlops bressoni | Michoacán Slender Threadsnake |
Leptotyphlops dissectus | New Mexico Threadsnake |
Leptotyphlops dulcis | Texas Threadsnake |
L. d. dulcis | Texas Threadsnake |
L. d. rubellum | South Texas Threadsnake |
Leptotyphlops goudotii | Black Threadsnake |
L. g. bakewelli | Bakewell's Threadsnake |
L. g. phenops | Slender Threadsnake |
Leptotyphlops humilis | Western Threadsnake |
L. h. boettgeri | Ceralvo Island Threadsnake |
L. h. cahuilae | Desert Threadsnake |
L. h. chihuahuaensis | Chihuahuan Threadsnake |
L. h. dugesii | Mexican Threadsnake |
L. h. humilis | SouthWestern Threadsnake |
L. h. levitoni | Santa Catalina Threadsnake |
L. h. lindsayi | Lindsay's Threadsnake |
L. h. segregus | Trans-Pecos Threadsnake |
L. h. tenuiculus | Potosi Threadsnake |
L. h. utahensis | Utah Threadsnake |
Leptotyphlops maximus | Giant Threadsnake |
Leptotyphlops myopicus | Tampico Threadsnake |
L. m. iversoni | Iverson's Blindsnake |
L. m. myopicus | Tampico Threadsnake |
Lichanura | Rosy Boas |
Lichanura trivirgata | Rosy Boa |
L. t. bostici | Cedros Island Boa |
L. t. gracia | Desert Rosy Boa |
L. t. roseofusca | Coastal Rosy Boa |
L. t. saslowi | Mid-Baja Rosy Boa |
L. t. trivirgata | Mexican Rosy Boa |
Loxocemus | Mexican Burrowing Pythons |
Loxocemus bicolor | Mexican Burrowing Python |
Manolepis | Thinscaled Snakes |
Manolepis putnami | Thinscaled Snake |
Mastigodryas | Lizard Eaters |
Mastigodryas cliftoni | Clifton's Lizard Eater |
Mastigodryas dorsalis | Striped Lizard Eater |
Mastigodryas melanolomus | Common Lizard Eater |
M. m. melanolomus | Cope's Lizard Eater |
M. m. slevini | Slevin's Lizard Eater |
M. m. stuarti | Stuart's Lizard Eater |
M. m. tehuanae | Tehuana Lizard Eater |
M. m. veraecrucis | Olive Lizard Eater |
Micruroides | Sonoran Coralsnakes |
Micruroides euryxanthus | Sonoran Coralsnake |
M. e. australis | Sonora Coralsnake |
M. e. euryxanthus | Arizona Coralsnake |
M. e. neglectus | Sinaloa Coralsnake |
Micrurus | American Coralsnakes |
Micrurus bernadi | Saddled Coralsnake |
Micrurus bogerti | Coastal Coralsnake |
Micrurus browni | Sierra Madre Coralsnake |
M. b. browni | Common Sierra Madre Coralsnake |
M. b. taylori | Acapulco Coral Snake |
Micrurus diastema | Variable Coralsnake |
M. d. affinis | Speckled Coralsnake |
M. d. alienus | Yucateca Coralsnake |
M. d. apiatus | Spotted-nose Coralsnake |
M. d. diastema | Vera Cruz Coralsnake |
M. d. macdougalli | MacDougall's Variable Coralsnake |
M. d. sapperi | Many-ringed Variable Coralsnake |
Micrurus distans | West Mexican Coralsnake |
M. d. distans | Common Clear-banded Coralsnake |
M. d. michoacanensis | Michoacán Clear-banded Coralsnake |
M. d. oliveri | Colima Clear-banded Coralsnake |
M. d. zweifeli | Zweifel's Coralsnake |
Micrurus elegans | Elegant Coralsnake |
M. e. elegans | Western Elegant Coralsnake |
M. e. veraepacis | Verapaz Elegant Coralsnake |
Micrurus epippifer | Oaxacan Coralsnake |
M. e. ephippifer | Oaxacan Coralsnake |
M. e. zapotecus | Zapotecan Coralsnake |
Micrurus fulvius | Eastern Coral Snake |
Micrurus laticollaris | Balsan Coralsnake |
M. l. laticollaris | Eastern Double-collar Coralsnake |
M. l. maculirostris | Western Double-collar Coralsnake |
Micrurus latifasciatus | Broad-ringed Coralsnake |
Micrurus limbatus | Tuxtlan Coralsnake |
M. l. limbatus | Tuxtlan Banded Coralsnake |
M. l. spilosomus | Tuxtlan Spotted Coralsnake |
Micrurus nebularis | Neblina Coralsnake |
Micrurus nigrocinctus | Central American Coralsnake |
M. n. zunilensis | Zunil Coralsnake |
Micrurus pachecogili | Pueblan Coralsnake |
Micrurus proximans | Nayarit Coralsnake |
Micrurus tener | Texas Coralsnake |
M. t. fitzingeri | Guajajuato Coralsnake |
M. t. maculatus | Tampico Coralsnake |
M. t. microgalbineus | Spotted Coralsnake |
M. t. tener | Texas Coralsnake |
Nerodia | North American Watersnakes |
Nerodia clarkii | Saltmarsh Snake |
N. c. clarkii | Gulf Saltmarsh Snake |
N. c. compressicauda | Mangrove Saltmarsh Snake |
N. c. taeniata | Atlantic Saltmarsh Snake |
Nerodia cyclopion | Mississippi Green Watersnake |
Nerodia erythrogaster | Plain-bellied Watersnake |
N. e. alta | Aguanaval Water Snake |
N. e. bogerti | Nazas Water Snake |
N. e. erythrogaster | Red-bellied Watersnake |
N. e. flavigaster | Yellow-bellied Watersnake |
N. e. neglecta | Copper-bellied Watersnake |
N. e. transversa | Blotched Watersnake |
Nerodia fasciata | Southern Watersnake |
N. f. confluens | Broad-banded Watersnake |
N. f. fasciata | Banded Watersnake |
N. f. pictiventris | Florida Watersnake |
Nerodia floridana | Florida Green Watersnake |
Nerodia harteri | Brazos Watersnake |
Nerodia paucimaculata | Concho Watersnake |
Nerodia rhombifer | Diamond-backed Watersnake |
N. r. blanchardi | Tampico Diamond-backed Watersnake |
N. r. rhombifer | Diamond-backed Watersnake |
N. r. werleri | Tabasco Diamond-backed Watersnake |
Nerodia sipedon | Northern Watersnake |
N. s. insularum | Lake Erie Watersnake |
N. s. pleuralis | Midland Watersnake |
N. s. sipedon | Northern Watersnake |
N. s. williamengelsi | Carolina Watersnake |
Nerodia taxispilota | Brown Watersnake |
Ninia | Coffee Snakes |
Ninia diademata | Ring-necked Coffee Snake |
N. d. diademata | Veracruz Ring-necked Coffee Snake |
N. d. labiosa | Pacific Ring-necked Coffee Snake |
N. d. nietoi | Caribbean Ring-necked Coffee Snake |
N. d. plorator | Hidalgo Ring-necked Coffee Snake |
Ninia sebae | Red-backed Coffee Snake |
N. s. morleyi | Yucatan Red-backed Coffee Snake |
N. s. punctulata | Bocourt's Red-backed Coffee Snake |
N. s. sebae | Common Red-backed Coffee Snake |
Opheodrys | Greensnakes |
Opheodrys aestivus | Rough Greensnake |
O. a. aestivus | Northern Rough Greensnake |
O. a. carinatus | Florida Rough Greensnake |
O. a. majalis | Western Rough Greensnake |
Opheodrys vernalis | Smooth Greensnake |
O. v. blanchardi | Western Smooth Greensnake |
O. v. vernalis | Eastern Smooth Greensnake |
Ophryacus | Mexican Horned Pitvipers |
Ophryacus melanurum | Blacktail Hog-nosed Pitviper |
Ophryacus undulatus | Mexican Horned Pitviper |
Oxybelis | American Vinesnakes |
Oxybelis aeneus | Brown Vinesnake |
Oxybelis fulgidus | Green Vinesnake |
Oxyrhopus | Calico False Coralsnakes |
Oxyrhopus petola | Calico False Coralsnake |
O. p. sebae | Seba's False Coralsnake |
Pantherophis | North American Ratsnakes |
Pantherophis bairdi | Baird's Ratsnake |
Pantherophis emoryi | Great Plains Ratsnake |
Pantherophis gloydi | Eastern Foxsnake |
Pantherophis guttatus | Red Cornsnake |
Pantherophis obsoletus | Black Ratsnake |
P. o. lindheimeri | Texas Ratsnake |
P. o. obsoletus | Black Ratsnake |
P. o. quadrivittatus | Yellow Ratsnake |
P. o. rossalleni | Everglades Ratsnake |
P. o. spiloides | Gray Ratsnake |
Pantherophis slowinskii | Slowinski's Cornsnake |
Pantherophis vulpinus | Western Foxsnake |
Pelamis | Yellow-bellied Sea Snakes |
Pelamis platurus | Yellow-bellied Sea Snake |
Phyllorhynchus | Leaf-nosed Snakes |
Phyllorhynchus browni | Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake |
Phyllorhynchus decurtatus | Spotted Leaf-nosed Snake |
Pituophis | Bullsnakes, Pinesnakes, & Gopher Snakes |
Pituophis catenifer | Gopher Snake |
P. c. affinis | Sonoran Gopher Snake |
P. c. annectens | San Diego Gopher Snake |
P. c. bimaris | Baja California Gophersnake |
P. c. catenifer | Pacific Gopher Snake |
P. c. coronalis | Coronado Island Gophersnake |
P. c. deserticola | Great Basin Gopher Snake |
P. c. fulginatus | San Martin Gophersnake |
P. c. insulanus | Cedros Island Gopher Snake |
P. c. pumilus | Santa Cruz Gopher Snake |
P. c. sayi | Bullsnake |
Pituophis deppei | Mexican Bullsnake |
P. d. deppei | Mexican Bullsnake |
P. d. jani | Northern Mexican Bullsnake |
Pituophis lineaticollis | Middle American Gopher Snake |
P. l. gibsoni | Gibson's Gopher Snake |
P. l. lineaticollis | Cope's Gopher Snake |
Pituophis melanoleucus | Pinesnake |
P. m. lodingi | Black Pinesnake |
P. m. melanoleucus | Northern Pinesnake |
P. m. mugitus | Florida Pinesnake |
Pituophis ruthveni | Louisiana Pinesnake |
Pituophis vertebralis | San Lucan Gopher Snake |
Pliocercus | False Coralsnakes |
Pliocercus andrewsi | Andrew's False Coralsnake |
Pliocercus bicolor | Northern False Coralsnake |
P. b. bicolor | Northern False Coralsnake |
P. b. hobartsmithi | Plateau False Coralsnake |
Pliocercus elapsoides | Variegated False Coralsnake |
P. e. aequalis | Salvin's False Coralsnake |
P. e. diastema | Bocourt's False Coralsnake |
P. e. elapsoides | Deppe's False Coralsnake |
P. e. occidentalis | MacDougall's False Coralsnake |
P. e. wilmarai | Mara's False Coralsnake |
Porthidium | Hog-nosed Pitvipers |
Porthidium dunni | Dunn's Hog-nosed Viper |
Porthidium hespere | Western Hog-nosed Pitviper |
Porthidium nasutum | Rainforest Hog-nosed Pitviper |
Porthidium yucatanicum | Yucatán Hog-nosed Pitviper |
Procinura | File-tailed Snakes |
Procinura aemula | File-tailed Ground Snake |
Pseudelaphe | Tropical Ratsnakes |
Pseudelaphe flavirufa | Tropical Ratsnake |
P. f. flavirufa | Northern Tropical Ratsnake |
P. f. matudai | Matuda's Ratsnake |
P. f. pardalina | Central American Tropical Ratsnake |
Pseudelaphe phaescens | Yucatán Ratsnake |
Pseudoficimia | False Ficimias |
Pseudoficimia frontalis | False Ficimia |
Pseudoleptodeira | False Cat-eyed Snakes |
Pseudoleptodeira latifasciata | False Cat-eyed Snake |
Pseudoleptodeira uribei | Uribe's False Cat-eyed Snake |
Pseustes | Bird Snakes |
Pseustes poecilonotus | Puffing Snake |
P. p. argus | Arboreal Puffing Snake |
P. p. poecilonotus | Puffing Snake |
Python | Pythons |
Python molurus | Indian Python |
P. m. bivittatus | Burmese Python |
Ramphotyphlops | Australasian Blindsnakes |
Ramphotyphlops braminus | Brahminy Blindsnake |
Regina | Crayfish Snakes |
Regina alleni | Striped Crayfish Snake |
Regina grahamii | Graham's Crayfish Snake |
Regina rigida | Glossy Crayfish Snake |
R. r. deltae | Delta Crayfish Snake |
R. r. rigida | Glossy Crayfish Snake |
R. r. sinicola | Gulf Crayfish Snake |
Regina septemvittata | Queensnake |
Rhadinaea | Littersnakes |
Rhadinaea bogertorum | Oaxacan Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea cuneata | Veracruz Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea decorata | Striped Forest Snake |
Rhadinaea flavilata | Pine Woods Littersnake |
Rhadinaea forbesi | Forbes's Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea fulvivittis | Ribbon Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea gaigeae | Gaige's Pine Forest Snake |
Rhadinaea godmani | Godman's Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea hannsteini | Hannstein's Spotted-lipped Snake |
Rhadinaea hesperia | Western Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea kanalchutchan | Kanalchutchan Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea lachrymans | Tearful Pine-Oak Snake |
Rhadinaea laureata | Crowned Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea macdougalli | MacDougall's Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea marcellae | Marcella's Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea montana | Nuevo Leon Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea myersi | Myers's Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea omiltemana | Guerreran Pine Woods Snake |
Rhadinaea posadai | Posada's Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea quinquelineata | Pueblan Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea schistosa | Broken Collar Graceful Brownsnake |
Rhadinaea taeniata | Pine-Oak Snake |
R. t. aemula | Mimic Pine-Oak Snake |
R. t. taeniata | Giant Pine-Oak Snake |
Rhadinophanes | Graceful Mountain Snakes |
Rhadinophanes monticola | Graceful Mountain Snake |
Rhinocheilus | Long-nosed Snakes |
Rhinocheilus etheridgei | Isla Cerralvo Long-nosed Snake |
Rhinocheilus lecontei | Western Long-nosed Snake |
Salvadora | Patch-nosed Snakes |
Salvadora bairdi | Baird's Patch-nosed Snake |
Salvadora grahamiae | Mountain Patch-nosed Snake |
S. g. grahamiae | Mountain Patch-nosed Snake |
S. g. lineata | Texas Patch-nosed Snake |
Salvadora hexalepis | Western Patch-nosed Snake |
S. h. deserticola | Big Bend Patch-nosed Snake |
S. h. hexalepis | Desert Patch-nosed Snake |
S. h. klauberi | Baja California Patch-nosed Snake |
S. h. mojavensis | Mojave Patch-nosed Snake |
S. h. virgultea | Coast Patch-nosed Snake |
Salvadora intermedia | Oaxacan Patch-nosed Snake |
Salvadora lemniscata | Pacific Patch-nosed Snake |
Salvadora mexicana | Mexican Patch-nosed Snake |
Scaphiodontophis | Shovel-toothed Snakes |
Scaphiodontophis annulatus | Guatemalan Neck-banded Snake |
Seminatrix | Black Swampsnakes |
Seminatrix pygaea | Black Swampsnake |
S. p. cyclas | South Florida Swampsnake |
S. p. paludis | Carolina Swampsnake |
S. p. pygaea | North Florida Swampsnake |
Senticolis | Green Ratsnakes |
Senticolis triaspis | Green Ratsnake |
S. t. intermedia | Green Ratsnake |
S. t. triaspis | Yucatec Green Ratsnake |
Sibon | Middle American Snail-eating Snakes |
Sibon dimidiata | Slender Snail Sucker |
S. d. dimidiata | Slender Snail Sucker |
S. d. grandoculis | Chipan Slender Snail Sucker |
Sibon linearis | Lined Snail Sucker |
Sibon nebulata | Cloudy Snail Sucker |
S. n. nebulata | Speckled Snail Sucker |
Sibon sanniola | Pigmy Snail Sucker |
S. s. sanniola | Pigmy Snail Sucker |
Sistrurus | Pigmy Rattlesnakes And Massasaugas |
Sistrurus catenatus | Massasauga |
S. c. catenatus | Eastern Massasauga |
S. c. edwardsii | Desert Massasauga |
S. c. tergeminus | Western Massasauga |
Sistrurus miliarius | Pigmy Rattlesnake |
S. m. barbouri | Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake |
S. m. miliarius | Carolina Pigmy Rattlesnake |
S. m. streckeri | Western Pigmy Rattlesnake |
Sonora | North American Groundsnakes |
Sonora aequalis | Jalisco-Zacatecas Groundsnake |
Sonora michoacanensis | Michoacán Groundsnake |
Sonora mutabilis | Mexican Groundsnake |
Sonora semiannulata | Western Groundsnake |
S. s. semiannulata | Variable Groundsnake |
S. s. taylori | Southern Texas Groundsnake |
Spilotes | Tiger Tree Snakes |
Spilotes pullatus | Tropical Tree Snake |
S. p. mexicanus | Tiger Tree Snake |
Stenorrhina | Scorpion-eating Snakes |
Stenorrhina degenhardtii | Degenhardt's Scorpion-eating Snake |
S. d. mexicana | Mexican Scorpion-eating Snake |
Stenorrhina freminvillei | Freminville's Scorpion-eating Snake |
Storeria | North American Brownsnakes |
Storeria dekayi | Dekay's Brownsnake |
S. d. anomala | Dugès's Brownsnake |
S. d. dekayi | Northern Brownsnake |
S. d. limnetes | Marsh Brownsnake |
S. d. temporalineata | Trapido's Brownsnake |
S. d. texana | Texas Brownsnake |
S. d. tropica | Tropical Brownsnake |
S. d. wrightorum | Midland Brownsnake |
Storeria hidalgoensis | Mexican Yellow-bellied Brownsnake |
Storeria occipitomaculata | Red-bellied Snake |
S. o. obscura | Florida Red-bellied Snake |
S. o. occipitomaculata | Northern Red-bellied Snake |
S. o. pahasapae | Black Hills Red-bellied Snake |
Storeria storerioides | Mexican Brownsnake |
Storeria victa | Florida Brownsnake |
Symphimus | White-lipped Snakes |
Symphimus leucostomus | Tehuantepec White-lipped Snake |
Symphimus mayae | Yucatán White-lipped Snake |
Sympholis | Mexican Short-tailed Snakes |
Sympholis lippiens | Mexican Short-tailed Snake |
Tantalophis | Oaxacan Cat-eyed Snakes |
Tantalophis discolor | Oaxacan Cat-eyed Snake |
Tantilla | Black-headed, Flat-headed, Crowned & Centipede Snakes |
Tantilla atriceps | Mexican Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla bocourti | Bocourt's Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla briggsi | Brigg's Centipede Snake |
Tantilla calamarina | Pacific Coast Centipede Snake |
Tantilla cascadae | Michoacán Centipede Snake |
Tantilla coronadoi | Guerreran Centipede Snake |
Tantilla coronata | Southeastern Crowned Snake |
Tantilla cucullata | Trans-pecos Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla cuniculator | Peten Centipede Snake |
Tantilla deppei | Deppe's Centipede Snake |
Tantilla flavilineata | Yellow-lined Centipede Snake |
Tantilla gracilis | Flat-headed Snake |
Tantilla hobartsmithi | Smith's Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla impensa | Central Guatemalan Centipede Snake |
Tantilla johnsoni | Chiapan Centipede Snake |
Tantilla moesta | Black-bellied Centipede Snake |
Tantilla nigriceps | Plains Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla oaxacae | Oaxacan Centipede Snake |
Tantilla oolitica | Rim Rock Crowned Snake |
Tantilla planiceps | Western Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla relicta | Florida Crowned Snake |
T. r. neilli | Central Florida Crowned Snake |
T. r. pamlica | Coastal Dunes Crowned Snake |
T. r. relicta | Peninsula Crowned Snake |
Tantilla robusta | Robust Centipede Snake |
Tantilla rubra | Red Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla schistosa | Red Earth Centipede Snake |
Tantilla sertula | Balsas Centipede Snake |
Tantilla shawi | Sierra Madre Centipede Snake |
Tantilla slavensi | Slaven's Centipede Snake |
Tantilla striata | Twin-spotted Centipede Snake |
Tantilla tayrae | Tayra's Centipede Snake |
Tantilla triseriata | Three-lined Centipede Snake |
Tantilla vulcani | Volcanic Highland Centipede Snake |
Tantilla wilcoxi | Chihuahuan Black-headed Snake |
Tantilla yaquia | Yaqui Black-headed Snake |
Tantillita | Dwarf Short-tailed Snakes |
Tantillita brevissima | Speckled Dwarf Short-tailed Snakes |
Tantillita canula | Yucatan Dwarf Short-tailed Snake |
Tantillita lintoni | Linton's Dwarf Short-tailed Snake |
T. l. rozellae | Rozella's Dwarf Short-tailed Snake |
Thamnophis | North American Garter & Ribbon Snakes |
Thamnophis atratus | Aquatic Gartersnake |
T. a. atratus | Santa Cruz Gartersnake |
T. a. hydrophilus | Oregon Gartersnake |
T. a. zaxanthus | Diablo Gartersnake |
Thamnophis bogerti | Bogert's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis brachystoma | Short-headed Gartersnake |
Thamnophis butleri | Butler's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis chrysocephalus | Goldenhead Gartersnake |
Thamnophis conanti | Conant's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis couchii | Sierra Gartersnake |
Thamnophis cyrtopsis | Black-necked Gartersnake |
T. c. collaris | Tropical Black-necked Gartersnake |
T. c. cyrtopsis | Western Black-necked Gartersnake |
T. c. ocellatus | Eastern Black-necked Gartersnake |
Thamnophis elegans | Terrestrial Gartersnake |
T. e. elegans | Mountain Gartersnake |
T. e. hueyi | Isla San Pedro Martir Gartersnake |
T. e. terrestris | Coast Gartersnake |
T. e. vagrans | Wandering Gartersnake |
Thamnophis eques | Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. carmenensis | Tlaxcala Gartersnake |
T. e. cuitzeonensis | Lake Cuitzeo Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. diluvialis | Jalisco Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. eques | Southern Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. insperatus | Lake Zacapu Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. megalops | Brown Gartersnake |
T. e. obscurus | Obscure Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. patzcuaroensis | Lake Patzucuaro Mexican Gartersnake |
T. e. scotti | Scott's Gartersnake |
T. e. virgatenuis | Western Montane Mexican Gartersnake |
Thamnophis errans | Mexican Wandering Gartersnake |
Thamnophis exsul | Exiled Mexican Gartersnake |
Thamnophis fulvus | Mesoamerican Highlands Gartersnake |
Thamnophis gigas | Giant Gartersnake |
Thamnophis godmani | Godman's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis hammondii | Two-striped Gartersnake |
Thamnophis lineri | Liner's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis marcianus | Checkered Gartersnake |
T. m. marcianus | Checkered Gartersnake |
T. m. praeocularis | Yucatecan Checkered Gartersnake |
Thamnophis melanogaster | Mexican Black-bellied Gartersnake |
T. m. canescens | Gray Black-bellied Gartersnake |
T. m. chihuahuanensis | Chihuahuan Black-bellied Gartersnake |
T. m. linearis | Lined Black-bellied Gartersnake |
T. m. melanogaster | Mexican Black-bellied Gartersnake |
Thamnophis mendax | Tamaulipas Montane Gartersnake |
Thamnophis nigronuchalis | Durangan Spotted Gartersnake |
Thamnophis ordinoides | Northwestern Gartersnake |
Thamnophis postremus | Tepalcatepec Valley Gartersnake |
Thamnophis proximus | Western Ribbonsnake |
T. p. alpinus | Chiapas Highland Ribbonsnake |
T. p. diabolicus | Arid Land Ribbonsnake |
T. p. orarius | Gulf Coast Ribbonsnake |
T. p. proximus | Orange-striped Ribbonsnake |
T. p. rubrilineatus | Red-striped Ribbonsnake |
T. p. rutiloris | Gulf Coast Ribbonsnake |
Thamnophis pulchrilatus | Mexican Highland Gartersnake |
Thamnophis radix | Plains Gartersnake |
Thamnophis rossmani | Rossman's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis rufipunctatus | Narrow-headed Gartersnake |
Thamnophis sauritus | Eastern Ribbonsnake |
T. s. nitae | Blue-striped Ribbonsnake |
T. s. sackenii | Peninsula Ribbonsnake |
T. s. sauritus | Eastern Ribbonsnake |
T. s. septentrionalis | Northern Ribbonsnake |
Thamnophis scalaris | Long-tailed Alpine Gartersnake |
Thamnophis scaliger | Short-tailed Alpine Gartersnake |
Thamnophis sirtalis | Common Gartersnake |
T. s. annectens | Texas Gartersnake |
T. s. concinnus | Red-Spotted Gartersnake |
T. s. dorsalis | New Mexico Gartersnake |
T. s. fitchi | Valley Gartersnake |
T. s. infernalis | California Red-sided Gartersnake |
T. s. pallidulus | Maritime Gartersnake |
T. s. parietalis | Red-sided Gartersnake |
T. s. pickeringii | Puget Sound Gartersnake |
T. s. semifasciatus | Chicago Gartersnake |
T. s. similis | Blue-striped Gartersnake |
T. s. sirtalis | Eastern Gartersnake |
T. s. tetrataenia | San Francisco Gartersnake |
Thamnophis sumichrasti | Sumichrast's Gartersnake |
Thamnophis validus | Mexican West Coast Gartersnake |
T. v. celaeno | Cape Gartersnake |
T. v. isabelleae | Colima Gartersnake |
T. v. thamnophisoides | Tepic Gartersnake |
T. v. validus | Pacific Gartersnake |
Tretanorhinus | Middle American Swamp Snakes |
Tretanorhinus nigroluteus | Orange-bellied Swamp Snake |
Trimorphodon | Lyresnakes |
Trimorphodon biscutatus | Western Lyresnake |
T. b. biscutatus | Western Lyresnake |
T. b. lambda | Sonoran Lyresnake |
T. b. lyrophanes | Baja California Lyresnake |
T. b. quadruplex | Central American Lyresnake |
Trimorphodon tau | Mexican Lyresnake |
T. t. latifasciatus | Black-headed Lyresnake |
T. t. tau | Mexican Lyresnake |
Trimorphodon vilkinsonii | Texas Lyresnake |
Tropidoclonion | Lined Snakes |
Tropidoclonion lineatum | Lined Snake |
Tropidodipsas | False Middle American Snail Eaters |
Tropidodipsas annulifera | Western Snail-eating Sucker |
Tropidodipsas fasciata | Banded Snail Sucker |
T. f. fasciatus | Banded Snail Sucker |
T. f. guerreroensis | Guerreran Snail Sucker |
T. f. subannulata | Muller's Snail Sucker |
Tropidodipsas fischeri | Fischer's Snail-eating Snake |
T. f. fischeri | Fischer's Snail-eating Snake |
Tropidodipsas philippii | Philippi's Snail-eating Sucker |
Tropidodipsas sartorii | Terrestrial Snail Sucker |
T. s. annulatus | Annulated Snail Sucker |
T. s. macdougalli | MacDougall's Snail Sucker |
T. s. sartorii | Sartori's Snail Sucker |
Tropidodipsas zweifeli | Zweifel's Snail-eating Sucker |
Typhlops | Common Blind Wormsnakes |
Typhlops microstomus | Yucatecan Blindsnake |
Typhlops tenuis | Coffee Blindsnake |
Ungaliophis | Central American Dwarf Boas |
Ungaliophis continentalis | Isthmian Dwarf Boa |
Virginia | North American Earthsnakes |
Virginia striatula | Rough Earthsnake |
Virginia valeriae | Smooth Earthsnake |
V. v. elegans | Western Smooth Earthsnake |
V. v. pulchra | Mountain Earthsnake |
V. v. valeriae | Eastern Smooth Earthsnake |
Xenodon | False Fer-de-Lance |
Xenodon rabdocephalus | False Fer-de-Lance |
X. r. mexicanus | Mexican False Fer-de-Lance |