Click here to view this list including all inactive taxa.
Ambystoma | Mole Salamanders |
Ambystoma altamirani | Mountain Stream Siredon |
Ambystoma amblycephalum | Blunt-headed Salamander |
Ambystoma andersoni | Anderson's Salamander |
Ambystoma annulatum | Ringed Salamander |
Ambystoma barbouri | Streamside Salamander |
Ambystoma bishopi | Reticulated Flatwoods Salamander |
Ambystoma bombypellum | Delicateskin Salamander |
Ambystoma californiense | California Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma cingulatum | Frosted Flatwoods Salamander |
Ambystoma dumerilii | Lake Patzcuaro Salamander |
Ambystoma flavipiperatum | Yellow-peppered Salamander |
Ambystoma gracile | Northwestern Salamander |
Ambystoma granulosum | Granular Salamander |
Ambystoma jeffersonianum | Jefferson Salamander |
Ambystoma laterale | Blue-spotted Salamander |
Ambystoma leorae | Leora's Stream Siredon |
Ambystoma lermaense | Lake Lerma Salamander |
Ambystoma mabeei | Mabee's Salamander |
Ambystoma macrodactylum | Long-toed Salamander |
A. m. columbianum | Eastern Long-toed Salamander |
A. m. croceum | Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander |
A. m. krausei | Northern Long-toed Salamander |
A. m. macrodactylum | Western Long-toed Salamander |
A. m. sigillatum | Southern Long-toed Salamander |
Ambystoma maculatum | Spotted Salamander |
Ambystoma mavortium | Barred Tiger Salamander |
A. m. diaboli | Gray Tiger Salamander |
A. m. mavortium | Barred Tiger Salamander |
A. m. melanostictum | Blotched Tiger Salamander |
A. m. nebulosum | Arizona Tiger Salamander |
A. m. stebbinsi | Sonoran Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma mexicanum | Axolotl |
Ambystoma opacum | Marbled Salamander |
Ambystoma ordinarium | Michoacán Stream Siredon |
Ambystoma rivulare | Toluca Stream Siredon |
Ambystoma rosaceum | Tarahumara Salamander |
A. r. nigrum | Durango Tarahumara Salamander |
A. r. rosaceum | Common Tarahumara Salamander |
Ambystoma silvensis | Pine Woods Salamander |
Ambystoma subsalsum | Alchichica Salamander |
Ambystoma talpoideum | Mole Salamander |
Ambystoma taylori | Taylor's Salamander |
Ambystoma texanum | Small-mouthed Salamander |
Ambystoma tigrinum | Eastern Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma velasci | Plateau Tiger Salamander |
Ambystoma zempoalaense | Lake Zempoala Salamander |
Amphiuma | Amphiumas |
Amphiuma means | Two-toed Amphiuma |
Amphiuma pholeter | One-toed Amphiuma |
Amphiuma tridactylum | Three-toed Amphiuma |
Aneides | Climbing Salamanders |
Aneides aeneus | Green Salamander |
Aneides ferreus | Clouded Salamander |
Aneides flavipunctatus | Black Salamander |
A. f. flavipunctatus | Speckled Black Salamander |
A. f. niger | Santa Cruz Black Salamander |
Aneides hardii | Sacramento Mountains Salamander |
Aneides lugubris | Arboreal Salamander |
Aneides vagrans | Wandering Salamander |
Batrachoseps | Slender Salamanders |
Batrachoseps attenuatus | California Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps campi | Inyo Mountains Salamander |
Batrachoseps diabolicus | Hell Hollow Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps gabrieli | San Gabriel Mountains Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps gavilanensis | Gabilan Mountains Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps gregarius | Gregarious Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps incognitus | San Simeon Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps kawia | Sequoia Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps luciae | Santa Lucia Mountains Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps major | Garden Slender Salamander |
B. m. aridus | Desert Slender Salamander |
B. m. major | Garden Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps minor | Lesser Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps nigriventris | Black-bellied Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps pacificus | Channel Islands Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps regius | Kings River Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps relictus | Relictual Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps robustus | Kern Plateau Salamander |
Batrachoseps simatus | Kern Canyon Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps stebbinsi | Tehachapi Slender Salamander |
Batrachoseps wrightorum | Oregon Slender Salamander |
Bolitoglossa | Mushroom-tongued Salamanders |
Bolitoglossa alberchi | Albercht's Salamander |
Bolitoglossa engelhardti | Engelhardt's Salamander |
Bolitoglossa flavimembris | Yellow-legged Salamander |
Bolitoglossa flaviventris | Yellow-bellied Salamander |
Bolitoglossa franklini | Franklin's Salamander |
B. f. franklini | Common Franklin's Salamander |
B. f. nigroflavescens | Black-bellied Salamander |
Bolitoglossa hartwegi | Hartweg's Salamander |
Bolitoglossa hermosa | Guerreran Salamander |
Bolitoglossa lincolni | Lincoln's Salamander |
Bolitoglossa macrinii | Oaxaca Salamander |
Bolitoglossa mexicana | Mexican Mushroom-tongued Salamander |
Bolitoglossa mulleri | Müller's Mushroom-tongued Salamander |
Bolitoglossa oaxacensis | Atoyac Salamander |
Bolitoglossa occidentalis | Southern Banana Salamander |
Bolitoglossa odonnelli | O'Donnell's Salamander |
Bolitoglossa platydactyla | Broad-footed Salamander |
Bolitoglossa riletti | Rilett's Salamander |
Bolitoglossa rostrata | Longnose Mushroomtounge Salamander |
Bolitoglossa rufescens | Northern Banana Salamander |
Bolitoglossa stuarti | Stuart's Mushroomtongue Salamander |
Bolitoglossa veracrucis | Veracruz Salamander |
Bolitoglossa yucatana | Yucatán Mushroom-tongued Salamander |
Bolitoglossa zapoteca | Zapotec Salamander |
Chiropterotriton | Flat-footed Salamanders |
Chiropterotriton arboreus | Arboreal Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton chiropterus | Common Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton chondrostega | Gristlehead Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton cracens | Graceful Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton dimidiatus | Dwarf Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton lavae | Pigmy Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton magnipes | Big-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton mosaueri | Cave Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton multidentatus | Toothy Salamander |
Chiropterotriton orculus | Cope's Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton priscus | Primeval Flat-footed Salamander |
Chiropterotriton terrestris | Terrestrial Flat-footed Salamander |
Cryptobranchus | Hellbenders |
Cryptobranchus alleganiensis | Hellbender |
C. a. alleganiensis | Eastern Hellbender |
C. a. bishopi | Ozark Hellbender |
Cryptotriton | Hidden Salamanders |
Cryptotriton adelos | Sierra Juarez Salamander |
Cryptotriton alvarezdeltoroi | Alvarez Del Toro's Salamander |
Cynops | Fire-bellied Newts |
Cynops orientalis | Chinese Fire-bellied Newt |
Dendrotriton | Bromeliad Salamanders |
Dendrotriton megarhinus | Long-nosed Bromeliad Salamander |
Dendrotriton xolocalcae | Xolocalco Bromeliad Salamander |
Desmognathus | Dusky Salamanders |
Desmognathus abditus | Cumberland Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus aeneus | Seepage Salamander |
Desmognathus apalachicolae | Apalachicola Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus auriculatus | Southern Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus brimleyorum | Ouachita Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus carolinensis | Carolina Mountain Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus conanti | Spotted Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus folkertsi | Dwarf Black-bellied Salamander |
Desmognathus fuscus | Northern Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus imitator | Imitator Salamander |
Desmognathus marmoratus | Shovel-nosed Salamander |
Desmognathus monticola | Seal Salamander |
Desmognathus ochrophaeus | Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus ocoee | Ocoee Salamander |
Desmognathus orestes | Blue Ridge Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus quadramaculatus | Black-bellied Salamander |
Desmognathus santeetlah | Santeetlah Dusky Salamander |
Desmognathus welteri | Black Mountain Salamander |
Desmognathus wrighti | Pygmy Salamander |
Dicamptodon | Pacific Giant Salamanders |
Dicamptodon aterrimus | Idaho Giant Salamander |
Dicamptodon copei | Cope's Giant Salamander |
Dicamptodon ensatus | California Giant Salamander |
Dicamptodon tenebrosus | Coastal Giant Salamander |
Ensatina | Ensatinas |
Ensatina eschscholtzii | Ensatina |
E. e. croceater | Yellow-blotched Ensatina |
E. e. eschscholtzii | Monterey Ensatina |
E. e. klauberi | Large-blotched Ensatina |
E. e. oregonensis | Oregon Ensatina |
E. e. picta | Painted Ensatina |
E. e. platensis | Sierra Nevada Ensatina |
E. e. xanthoptica | Yellow-eyed Ensatina |
Eurycea | Brook Salamanders |
Eurycea aquatica | Dark-sided Salamander |
Eurycea bislineata | Northern Two-lined Salamander |
Eurycea chamberlaini | Chamberlain's Dwarf Salamander |
Eurycea chisholmensis | Salado Salamander |
Eurycea cirrigera | Southern Two-lined Salamander |
Eurycea guttolineata | Three-lined Salamander |
Eurycea junaluska | Junaluska Salamander |
Eurycea latitans | Cascade Caverns Salamander |
Eurycea longicauda | Long-tailed Salamander |
E. l. longicauda | Long-tailed Salamander |
E. l. melanopleura | Dark-sided Salamander |
Eurycea lucifuga | Cave Salamander |
Eurycea multiplicata | Many-ribbed Salamander |
Eurycea nana | San Marcos Salamander |
Eurycea naufragia | Georgetown Salamander |
Eurycea neotenes | Texas Salamander |
Eurycea pterophila | Fern Bank Salamander |
Eurycea quadridigitata | Dwarf Salamander |
Eurycea rathbuni | Texas Blind Salamander |
Eurycea robusta | Blanco Blind Salamander |
Eurycea sosorum | Barton Springs Salamander |
Eurycea spelaea | Grotto Salamander |
Eurycea tonkawae | Jollyville Plateau Salamander |
Eurycea tridentifera | Comal Blind Salamander |
Eurycea troglodytes | Valdina Farms Salamander |
Eurycea tynerensis | Oklahoma Salamander |
Eurycea waterlooensis | Austin Blind Salamander |
Eurycea wilderae | Blue Ridge Two-lined Salamander |
Gyrinophilus | Spring Salamanders |
Gyrinophilus gulolineatus | Berry Cave Salamander |
Gyrinophilus palleucus | Tennessee Cave Salamander |
G. p. necturoides | Big Mouth Cave Salamander |
G. p. palleucus | Pale Salamander |
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus | Spring Salamander |
G. p. danielsi | Blue Ridge Spring Salamander |
G. p. dunni | Carolina Spring Salamander |
G. p. duryi | Kentucky Spring Salamander |
G. p. porphyriticus | Northern Spring Salamander |
Gyrinophilus subterraneus | West Virginia Spring Salamander |
Haideotriton | Georgia Blind Salamanders |
Haideotriton wallacei | Georgia Blind Salamander |
Hemidactylium | Four-toed Salamanders |
Hemidactylium scutatum | Four-toed Salamander |
Hydromantes | Web-toed Salamanders |
Hydromantes brunus | Limestone Salamander |
Hydromantes platycephalus | Mount Lyell Salamander |
Hydromantes shastae | Shasta Salamander |
Necturus | Waterdogs And Mudpuppies |
Necturus alabamensis | Black Warrior River Waterdog |
Necturus beyeri | Gulf Coast Waterdog |
Necturus lewisi | Neuse River Waterdog |
Necturus maculosus | Mudpuppy |
N. m. louisianensis | Red River Mudpuppy |
N. m. maculosus | Common Mudpuppy |
Necturus punctatus | Dwarf Waterdog |
Notophthalmus | Eastern Newts |
Notophthalmus meridionalis | Black-Spotted Newt |
N. m. kallerti | Mexican Black-spotted Newt |
N. m. meridionalis | Texas Black-Spotted Newt |
Notophthalmus perstriatus | Striped Newt |
Notophthalmus viridescens | Eastern Newt |
N. v. dorsalis | Broken-striped Newt |
N. v. louisianensis | Central Newt |
N. v. piaropicola | Peninsula Newt |
N. v. viridescens | Red-Spotted Newt |
Nyctanolis | Long-limbed Salamanders |
Nyctanolis pernix | Nimble Long-limbed Salamander |
Oedipina | Tropical Worm Salamanders |
Oedipina elongata | Central American Worm Salamander |
Parvimolge | Mexican Dwarf Salamanders |
Parvimolge townsendi | Townsend's Dwarf Salamander |
Phaeognathus | Red Hills Salamanders |
Phaeognathus hubrichti | Red Hills Salamander |
Plethodon | Woodland Salamanders |
Plethodon ainsworthi | Bay Springs Salamander |
Plethodon albagula | Western Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon amplus | Blue Ridge Gray-cheeked Salamander |
Plethodon angusticlavius | Ozark Zigzag Salamander |
Plethodon asupak | Scott Bar Salamander |
Plethodon aureolus | Tellico Salamander |
Plethodon caddoensis | Caddo Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon chattahoochee | Chattahoochee Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon cheoah | Cheoah Bald Salamander |
Plethodon chlorobryonis | Atlantic Coast Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon cinereus | Eastern Red-backed Salamander |
Plethodon cylindraceus | White-Spotted Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon dorsalis | Northern Zigzag Salamander |
Plethodon dunni | Dunn's Salamander |
Plethodon electromorphus | Northern Ravine Salamander |
Plethodon elongatus | Del Norte Salamander |
Plethodon fourchensis | Fourche Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon glutinosus | Northern Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon grobmani | Southeastern Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon hoffmani | Valley And Ridge Salamander |
Plethodon hubrichti | Peaks Of Otter Salamander |
Plethodon idahoensis | Coeur D'Alene Salamander |
Plethodon jordani | Red-cheeked Salamander |
Plethodon kentucki | Cumberland Plateau Salamander |
Plethodon kiamichi | Kiamichi Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon kisatchie | Louisiana Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon larselli | Larch Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon meridianus | South Mountain Gray-cheeked Salamander |
Plethodon metcalfi | Southern Gray-cheeked Salamander |
Plethodon mississippi | Mississippi Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon montanus | Northern Gray-cheeked Salamander |
Plethodon neomexicanus | Jemez Mountains Salamander |
Plethodon nettingi | Cheat Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon ocmulgee | Ocmulgee Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon ouachitae | Rich Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon petraeus | Pigeon Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon punctatus | Cow Knob Salamander |
Plethodon richmondi | Southern Ravine Salamander |
Plethodon savannah | Savannah Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon sequoyah | Sequoyah Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon serratus | Southern Red-backed Salamander |
Plethodon shenandoah | Shenandoah Salamander |
Plethodon sherando | Big Levels Salamander |
Plethodon shermani | Red-legged Salamander |
Plethodon stormi | Siskiyou Mountains Salamander |
Plethodon teyahalee | Southern Appalachian Salamander |
Plethodon vandykei | Van Dyke's Salamander |
Plethodon variolatus | South Carolina Slimy Salamander |
Plethodon vehiculum | Western Red-backed Salamander |
Plethodon ventralis | Southern Zigzag Salamander |
Plethodon virginia | Shenandoah Mountain Salamander |
Plethodon websteri | Webster's Salamander |
Plethodon wehrlei | Wehrle's Salamander |
Plethodon welleri | Weller's Salamander |
Plethodon yonahlossee | Yonahlossee Salamander |
Pseudobranchus | Dwarf Sirens |
Pseudobranchus axanthus | Southern Dwarf Siren |
P. a. axanthus | Narrow-striped Dwarf Siren |
P. a. belli | Everglades Dwarf Siren |
Pseudobranchus striatus | Northern Dwarf Siren |
P. s. lustricolus | Gulf Hammock Dwarf Siren |
P. s. spheniscus | Slender Dwarf Siren |
P. s. striatus | Broad-striped Dwarf Siren |
Pseudoeurycea | False Brook Salamanders |
Pseudoeurycea ahuitzotl | Imperial Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea altamontana | Morelos Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea amuzga | Sierra De Malinaltepec Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea anitae | Anita's Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea aquatica | Aquatic Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea aurantia | Peña Verde Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea belli | Bell's Salamander |
P. b. belli | Bell's False Brook Salamander |
P. b. boneti | Oaxacan False Brook Salamander |
P. b. sierraoccidentalis | Sonoran False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea brunnata | Brown False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea cephalica | Chunky False Brook Salamander |
P. c. cephalica | Chunky False Brook Salamander |
P. c. manni | Mann's False Brook Salamander |
P. c. rubrimembris | Red-legged False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea cochranae | Cochran's Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea conanti | Conant's Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea firscheini | Firshein's Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea gadovii | Gadow's Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea galeanae | Galeana False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea gigantea | Giant False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea goebeli | Goebel's False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea juarezi | Sierra Juarez Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea leprosa | Leprous False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea lineola | Veracruz Worm Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea longicauda | Long-tailed False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea lynchi | Veracruz Green Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea melanomolga | Black Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea mixcoatl | Mixcoatl Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea mystax | Mustached False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea naucampatepetl | Cofre De Perote Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea nigra | Black Jumping Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea nigromaculata | Black-spotted Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea obesa | Ridge Tail Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea orchileuca | Sierra De Juarez Worm Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea orchimelas | San Martin Worm Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea papenfussi | Muscular Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea parva | Dwarf False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea praecellens | Admirable False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea quetzalanensis | Cuetzalan Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea robertsi | Roberts' False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea ruficauda | Orange-tailed Agile Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea saltator | Leaping False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea scandens | Tamaulipan False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea smithi | Smith's Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea sulcata | Chunky False Brook Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea tenchalli | Bearded Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea teotepec | Teotepec Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea tlahcuiloh | Green-flecked Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea tlilicxitl | Black-footed Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea unguidentis | Claw-toothed Salamander |
Pseudoeurycea werleri | Werler's Salamander |
Pseudotriton | Red And Mud Salamanders |
Pseudotriton montanus | Mud Salamander |
P. m. diastictus | Midland Mud Salamander |
P. m. flavissimus | Gulf Coast Mud Salamander |
P. m. floridanus | Rusty Mud Salamander |
P. m. montanus | Eastern Mud Salamander |
Pseudotriton ruber | Red Salamander |
P. r. nitidus | Blue Ridge Red Salamander |
P. r. ruber | Northern Red Salamander |
P. r. schencki | Black-chinned Red Salamander |
P. r. vioscai | Southern Red Salamander |
Rhyacotriton | Torrent Salamanders |
Rhyacotriton cascadae | Cascade Torrent Salamander |
Rhyacotriton kezeri | Columbia Torrent Salamander |
Rhyacotriton olympicus | Olympic Torrent Salamander |
Rhyacotriton variegatus | Southern Torrent Salamander |
Siren | Sirens |
Siren intermedia | Lesser Siren |
S. i. intermedia | Eastern Lesser Siren |
S. i. nettingi | Western Lesser Siren |
Siren lacertina | Greater Siren |
Stereochilus | Many-lined Salamanders |
Stereochilus marginatus | Many-lined Salamander |
Taricha | Pacific Newts |
Taricha granulosa | Rough-skinned Newt |
Taricha rivularis | Red-bellied Newt |
Taricha torosa | California Newt |
T. t. sierrae | Sierra Newt |
T. t. torosa | Coast Range Newt |
Thorius | Mexican Pigmy Salamanders |
Thorius arboreus | Arboreal Thorius |
Thorius aurens | Golden Thorius |
Thorius boreas | Boreal Thorius |
Thorius dubitus | Acultzingo Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius grandis | Grand Minute Salamander |
Thorius infernalis | Atoyac Minute Salamander |
Thorius insperatus | Surprise Thorius |
Thorius lunaris | Crescent-nostriled Thorius |
Thorius macdougalli | MacDougall's Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius magnipes | Big-footed Thorius |
Thorius minutissimus | Oaxacan Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius minydemus | Minute Thorius |
Thorius munificus | McDiarmid Thorius |
Thorius narismagnus | San Martin Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius narisovalis | Upper Cerro Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius omiltemi | Omiltemi Minute Salamander |
Thorius papaloae | Papalo Minute Salamander |
Thorius pennatulus | Veracruz Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius pulmonaris | Cerro San Felipe Salamander |
Thorius schmidti | Schmidt's Pigmy Salamander |
Thorius smithi | Smith's Thorius |
Thorius spilogaster | Spotted Thorius |
Thorius troglodytes | Taylor's Pigmy Salamander |
Urspelerpes | Patch-nosed Salamanders |
Urspelerpes brucei | Patch-nosed Salamander |